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Accepting Shabbos in Chazaras HaShatz

The halacha is that one should verbally accept Shabbos sometime before shkia.

My question is, is it OK to make this verbal statement during chazoras hashatz of Mincha, or would it be considered talking during davening?

Also, if one is running late, can one mentally accept Shabbos in-between brachos of the silent Amidah of Mincha, and then continue davening?


It is fine to make the acceptance during Chazaras HaShatz. Although it is not generally permitted to speak, this is not considered “speaking” but rather performing a mitzvah for which time is running out.

A mental acceptance is not sufficient for accepting Shabbos, though it is better than nothing. This can be done between the berachos.

Best wishes.

Please see also here.



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1 Comment

  1. Merely having in mind to be mekabel Tosefes Shabbos [mental acceptance] is acceptable according to some Poskim (Bach and Gra quoted by Mishne Brurah 553:2), see also Rabbi Ribiat’s sefer Volume I.

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