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Playing Sports with Tzitzis

If one is playing sports and getting real sweaty should one continue to wear tzitzis or should one take them off in order not to dirty the tzitzis?


When playing sports and getting sweaty, it is proper to take of one’s tzitzis. It is not respectful to the tzitzis to leave them on when becoming sweaty. If one takes them off for a considerable time (say, for a two-hour game of tennis), which constitutes a hesech ha-daas, a new berachah should be made upon putting the tzitzis back on.

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  1. What if they are designated tiztis for sports, is it still improper to wear them?

    1. Even when designed for sport, it does not seem respectful, and I would take them off (just as we take off tzitzis when we go swimming, go to the beach, and so on). However, there is no actual prohibition of wearing such tzitzis, and those that do it should certainly not be told off for it.

  2. Bkavod Harav, Does the Rav have any sources that says one should take off tzitzis if they will be getting sweaty?

    1. See Even Yisrael (R. Yisrael Yaakov Fischer), Vol. 9, Orach Chaim 1; I’ve also seen this quoted from Rav Mordechai Eliyahu and Rav Binyamin Zilber.

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