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Women who Become Forbidden to Kohanim

Dear Rav,
I have asked a question on your site in Hebrew, and I fear my Hebrew is not good enough either to make myself understood, or to understand the answers, so I am trying in English. The discussion thus far can be found here: התגובה ממוקמת ב:

I would like to understand who are the women who are in the category of נבעלת לפסול לה and of נבעלת בעבירה

My confusion lies in the fact that I understand Rashi to be saying something different in these two cases at least:
רש”י מסכת יבמות דף סא עמוד א
ושנבעלה בעילת זנות – כגון ישראלית הנבעלת לפסול לה.

רש”י מסכת כתובות דף ל עמוד א
בעולה לכ”ג – שאין בה לאו דאלמנות וגירושין אלא עשה דבתולה יקח (ויקרא כא) ולא בעולה וא”ת יש כאן לאו דזונה לא אשכחן תנא דאמר פנוי הבא על הפנויה עשאה זונה אלא ר’ אלעזר ולית הלכתא כוותיה ואין זונה אלא הנבעלת לפסול לה ובבעולה שלא כדרכה איירי דאי כדרכה תו ליכא קנס.

Am I misunderstanding Rashi? Is a zonah considered נבעלה לפסול לה?

If I were to explain נבעלה לפסול לה as including:
1. A divorced/halutzah Israelite woman who has had sex with a kohen (or widowed/kohen gadol)
2. An Israelite woman who has previously had sex with a hallal
3. An Israelite woman who has previously had sex with someone she is forbidden to by a lav (which would make her a zonah) (who is included in this category?)
4. An Israelite woman who has previously had sex with someone she is forbidden to by keritot, goy or slave (Rambam, Hilchot Bi’ah 18:1) (is this basically the arayot, or is there more?)
5. A bat kohen who has had sex with anyone forbidden to her (what categories does this include?)

Have I got all that all right?
Am I missing anyone?

Thank you, and shavu’a tov.
Sarra Lev


There are different opinions concerning the question of why types of forbidden marital relations make a woman into a Zonah (and forbidden to Kohanim).

According to Rashi (61a, as you cite, and also 61b s.v. veshenivala), a woman who has marital relations with any man who is forbidden to her, becomes a Zonah. This includes even relationships that are forbidden by dint of a mitzvas asei or a lav (and will therefore include a Kohen to a divorcee). This is also the opinion of the Rambam (Issurei Biah 18:31), and the Rambam even includes a woman who has marital relations with a chalal (no. 2 on your list; we don’t find this in Rashi and in other Rishonim).

According to the Tosafos (61a and other places), the Rosh and the Raavad, a woman only becomes a Zonah if she has marital relations with a man who is forbidden to her to a degree that Kiddushin are not feasible. This requires a stringency of Chaivei Lavin, or a non-Jew or a slave, with whom Kiddushin are not possible (this will not include a Kohen to a divorcee).

See also Ramban to Vayikra 19:29.


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