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Donations to “Tzedakah” in Shul

Chalom uVracha

We have had a discussion in the beith midrasch regarding someone who when called to the Torah promised (with or without neder) a certain sum to tzedakah. The question is: what does tzedakah means? is it only anyim? or can this money be used for other purposes, like for the shul, etc….

BeBirkat Hatorah

Kol Tuv


In this case, it is permitted to give the donation to the shul or other charitable cause.

The reason for this is that the neder a person makes is interpreted according to the manner of speech that people use under the specific circumstances. In the circumstances of a shul donation, the word tzedakah is not used only for a formal charity donation, but in particular for donations to the shul, and sometimes for other causes.

Best wishes.

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