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Reading Together

I see that during the laining of the Torah on Shabbos, certain people in shul read the parasha along with the baal koreh. Should one verbally pronounce every word of the parasha or just listen to the baal koreh? Also, sometimes the people reading along read loud enough for myself to hear them along with the baal koreh. Am I yotzei my reading if I hear 2 voices at one time? If not, what should I do in this situation: tell him to read silently, or leave to another spot in the shul?


Based on the Mishnah Berurah (285:2), it is permitted to read along with the baal koreh during his reading of the Torah. Because one reads in a whisper, this does not constitute a problem of being unable to hear two voices (see siman 141). However, one should read in a manner that is not audible to others, so that others will not be distracted. If another is reading in an audible manner, he could be courteously informed that his doing so is distracting.

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